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Okay, I'm from NJ, I voted for him and I'd do it again and I've been voting for over 50 years. But I've had enough of the stupid tweets.
This ain't his TV boardroom, HE'S THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES! Its about time he acted like it instead of some dumb bubblegum teenager.
The more he attacks Kimmel the more he will be attacked by every media person in the country. Sure there's fake news, but HE CAUSES A LOT OF IT by his BS tweets.
C'mon, man, act like a grown up, at least.
if it wasent for some of the tweets you would never hear the truth.tweeting has nothing to do with man hood.may be a reality check is in order.who gives a frick about some dumb bubblegum kimmel.
if it wasent for some of the tweets you would never hear the truth.tweeting has nothing to do with man hood.may be a reality check is in order.who gives a frick about some dumb bubblegum kimmel.
He's threatened N Korea and Iran, badmouthed multiple government employees, started p*****g matches with boatloads of people, accuses everybody of fake news, has a name for everyone, and acts like a pre-teenager.
Reality check is in, he's not acting like an adult at all. He's not on television any more, and shouldn't care about ratings. There's a certain amount of diplomacy and discretion he should display, even though it doesn't appear that he understands what they mean.
For God's sake, he's the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, not some back alley brawler in Queens! He's supposed to be someone who gets stuff done, not have people ready to club each other? He should take lessons from his wife and daughter, not his old man!
How many more of his INNER CIRCLE are gonna leave because of his petulance? He should adapt to his environment, he looks foolish.
Its one thing to say what's right, its another to have everybody think you're a fool because you say them. He's acting like the kid who knocks over the checkerboard when he's losing, or takes his ball and goes home when he gets tagged out. Except now he's threatening nuclear war!
You're right, who gives a rats butt about Kimmel? Obviously, TRUMP DOES! He spends way too much time challenging someone who is WAY below his dignity to care about. IGNORE HIM, AT LEAST TRUMP WON'T LOOK LIKE A HIGH RANKING BULLY AND BUFFOON!
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He's threatened N Korea and Iran, badmouthed multiple government employees, started p*****g matches with boatloads of people, accuses everybody of fake news, has a name for everyone, and acts like a pre-teenager.
Reality check is in, he's not acting like an adult at all. He's not on television any more, and shouldn't care about ratings. There's a certain amount of diplomacy and discretion he should display, even though it doesn't appear that he understands what they mean.
For God's sake, he's the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, not some back alley brawler in Queens! He's supposed to be someone who gets stuff done, not have people ready to club each other? He should take lessons from his wife and daughter, not his old man!
How many more of his INNER CIRCLE are gonna leave because of his petulance? He should adapt to his environment, he looks foolish.
Its one thing to say what's right, its another to have everybody think you're a fool because you say them. He's acting like the kid who knocks over the checkerboard when he's losing, or takes his ball and goes home when he gets tagged out. Except now he's threatening nuclear war!
You're right, who gives a rats butt about Kimmel? Obviously, TRUMP DOES! He spends way too much time challenging someone who is WAY below his dignity to care about. IGNORE HIM, AT LEAST TRUMP WON'T LOOK LIKE A HIGH RANKING BULLY AND BUFFOON!
He was tweeting that type of thing during the election so why vote for him? He isn't the type of person who changes how they act in an instant.
hes still human and calls out those that do him wrong.wouldent you.and with all the fake bs he has to be in your face to get his job done communication is key to any sucessfull biss man.looks like his inner circle is part of the swamp anyway nothing wrong with dispacthing your enemy.
Trump could be a choir boy and the media would still ravenously attack him and without impingement.
The media have destroyed or tried to, every conservative politician that has stood up to them, the constitution, or the left.
So, you actually believe that will change by being nice???
Frankly, I am not sure why you voted for him, since he has not changed is persona one iota since being elected. Try saying that about nearly any other politician after their election! I have more respect for those who speak their mind whether I like what I'm hearing or not, than I do for two faced lairs double talking and falsely capitulating to different demographics according to what is thought they want to hear. Then doing what they want behind my back.
Having lived seven decades, I for one was am tired of the crony, good ol boys, business as usual politicks and voted for Trump believing "business as usual would be turned on its head.
So far so good!
You go Trump!!
Keep up the good work.
I also have lived seven plus decades, and am from his neck of the woods, so I've had a lot of exposure to him and his ways. I wouldn't vote for killary if she was the only one to vote for, she lies, cheats, steals and kills.

I'm sayin that he doesn't need to stoop to the levels he has. I'm sure there are enough people who are disgusted with the NFL, NBA, BLM, and others who don't need his stuff being aired like dirty laundry. He doesn't need to tweet about the little fat/ugly North Korean like poking a stick in a dog's face. He can call out politicians if he want, most of them are dead meat.

He has POSITION, which he doesn't seem to understand! He's supposed to be intelligent, so why is he digging in the mud and the muck?

There is a certain amount of decorum that's required by his position. He's acting like he's walking around the people's house with skid marks on his tidy whities. He needs to stay out of the slop of the every day man/woman and show that he's a leader rather than a provocateur.
I really don't see it any more than a new marriage whereas one of the partners expects the others innate persona to radically change..
I had no allusions going in who I was voting for. So far, haven't been disappointed. I believe him to be genuine and sincere.
Not something I can say about most others in politicks. I much rather deal with someone knowing what I see is what I get rather than constantly trying to figure when or if they are lying or insincere.
And speaking of the professionalism of the office, the last eight years gave us an evil man that trashed, burned or marginalized every American citizen that was contrary to his agenda. He disrespected the office, the united stats, its people military, law enforcement and more.
At least that's my humble view. (and just a few others I know)
I really don't see it any more than a new marriage whereas one of the partners expects the others innate persona to radically change..
I had no allusions going in who I was voting for. So far, haven't been disappointed. I believe him to be genuine and sincere.
Not something I can say about most others in politicks. I much rather deal with someone knowing what I see is what I get rather than constantly trying to figure when or if they are lying or insincere.
And speaking of the professionalism of the office, the last eight years gave us an evil man that trashed, burned or marginalized every American citizen that was contrary to his agenda. He disrespected the office, the united stats, its people military, law enforcement and more.
At least that's my humble view. (and just a few others I know)
Not disputing the fact that the previous 8 year demon betrayed every human in the country. And not disputing the fact that the current guy is doing a pretty decent job of overcoming his successor's damage. I'm just saying he's creating too much drama with people who could/should be helping. I'm not talking about the McCain's of the world who should have packed in his RINO habits. But wasting his time blowing off at the football Neanderthals isn't productive and just takes too much energy from other more critical problems. He can call Jerry Jones on the phone and vent, why create all the angst and drama by letting every FAKE NEWS troll access to the talk? He's got enough obummer left overs to deal with; why give CNN and NBC, etc., more ammunition?
I too wish he would just stop with the tweets. Be Presidential. He can never out-tweet 100 million snowflakes and corrupt media. Why try? I want him to work on fixing things that need fixing instead of stooping to their level of petty texting and tweeting. While we as a country have backed away from the leftist precipice the country was going over if Shrillery got in there, we still have lots to do to get the ship headed back toward center. Stop wasting time with the phone....
Being "Presidential" doesn't account for a damn thing. We had that for 8 years from the guy before him. And where did it get us? If the media was the least bit fair toward the President, the Tweets wouldn't be necessary. But them being what they are, (lying manipulating snakes), he has no other way to reach the American public with honest dialog coming directly from him. Trump was Tweeting from day one, when he rode the escalator down from Trump Tower announcing his running for President. Now that he is in office, don't expect it to stop. It won't... Nor should it.

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