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Quote from the article cited:
...two groups made up mostly of young people are out to change Arizona's voter rolls by registering thousands of young voters this summer. unquote.


Nextgen founder doesn't look quite so young does he?
Entity founded to, quote:
NextGen America acts politically to prevent climate disaster, promote prosperity, and protect the fundamental rights of every American.
Since our founding as NextGen Climate in 2013, we've worked to fight climate change by advancing the transition to a clean energy economy. unquote. Who We Are — NextGen America

March for our lives, quote:
The mission and focus of March For Our Lives is to assure that no special interest group or political agenda is more critical than the timely passage of legislation to effectively address the gun violence issues that are rampant in our country. We demand morally-just leaders to rise up from both parties in order to ensure public safety. unquote.

As of yet i am unable to ascertain who is funding or backing them.

Either way, the adults are behind this self promotion activity using the emotional power of the feeding frenzy from alleged gun violence so do not throw the young adults under the bus.

remember the 60's and how the youth were used nefariously for a myriad of issues.
This only shows how effective the communist propaganda has been when you expose these children to it every single school day. These Tide pod eating and condom snorting idiots are being led to the polls by the leftist masters who fully realize that these kids cannot and will not think for themselves. These kids have no idea what the actual Constitutional Rights are that they are working so hard to give away. They are carrying the signs the leftist organizers and their teachers told them to carry. They have no grasp of reality. They have been bathed in leftist propaganda their whole lives to help them become the useful idiots of the people who have taken the long road to destroy this country from within.

They do not understand the consequences of their actions. They do not understand that shortly after they give away the 2nd - they will lose the 1st also. THEN they will see what a voiceless populace looks like, and wonder how that happened? I will be dead by then, and nobody else will be there to save them from the hell they helped create either. All the patriots who fought for this country to preserve our rights and freedoms will be gone. Maybe then these kids will realize why so many "old people" tried to help them understand.
This only shows how effective the communist propaganda has been when you expose these children to it every single school day. These Tide pod eating and condom snorting idiots are being led to the polls by the leftist masters who fully realize that these kids cannot and will not think for themselves. These kids have no idea what the actual Constitutional Rights are that they are working so hard to give away. They are carrying the signs the leftist organizers and their teachers told them to carry. They have no grasp of reality. They have been bathed in leftist propaganda their whole lives to help them become the useful idiots of the people who have taken the long road to destroy this country from within.

They do not understand the consequences of their actions. They do not understand that shortly after they give away the 2nd - they will lose the 1st also. THEN they will see what a voiceless populace looks like, and wonder how that happened? I will be dead by then, and nobody else will be there to save them from the hell they helped create either. All the patriots who fought for this country to preserve our rights and freedoms will be gone. Maybe then these kids will realize why so many "old people" tried to help them understand.

I am so glad AZ's & the rest of this Nation's young adults have such a viable and articulate adult mentor, such as yourself, to look up to to assist with their understanding of enhancing their critical thinking skills about our country's community citizenship.
So the lunatic leftists have the diametrically opposed narratives of raising the age to buy a gun, in an overt slight to those young people 18-21 who are unable to control their anger and be responsible owners of firearms, and yet they also push to register those same irresponsible people to vote on the operations of the country?
So the lunatic leftists have the diametrically opposed narratives of raising the age to buy a gun, in an overt slight to those young people 18-21 who are unable to control their anger and be responsible owners of firearms, and yet they also push to register those same irresponsible people to vote on the operations of the country?

Voting and gun rights should be tied together as a single right. This should be done at the FEDERAL LEVEL - to keep the Socialist Republiks from making up their own laws to infringe upon good citizens Constitutional Gun Rights, while also handing out Voting Rights to people who are not even citizens of this country. There is NO WAY illegal aliens from another country should be invited to taint our elections.

These two rights should have the same exact age requirement. If you are responsible enough for voting, you are responsible enough to buy a firearm. If they want to say no firearms until age 21 because young people are too irresponsible or not mature enough - they sure as hell shouldn't be having any influence on the direction of our country at the polls. Yes or No. Pick one.

They should have the exact same form 4473 requirement to vote or purchase a firearm - including the exact same ID requirement AND background check. If you are a felon or not a citizen of this country? No voting, and no weapons. Become a REAL, LEGAL, naturalized US citizen and enjoy all of the rights and benefits as afforded to us by our Constitution.
So the lunatic leftists have the diametrically-opposed narratives of raising the age to buy a gun, in an overt slight to those young people 18-21 who are unable to control their anger and be responsible owners of firearms, and yet they also push to register those same irresponsible people to vote on the operations of the country?
You have brought forth just one of the ten billion names of liberalism. The hypocrisy of the Evil Left is obvious to everyone but them. They may see it for all I know but when the final goal is the utter destruction of the United States, I doubt they care what others might think. It all goes back to "... by any means necessary." Yes; I suppose a liberal would kill a toddler if that toddler stood in the way of the liberal's desire to incinerate the Constitution and impose iron-fisted liberalism/socialism in America. The Evil Left seeks not conversation; they seek the conversion of America to what would be Hell on Earth...
Misguided youth, Misguided adults, existing in a false reality, essentially a vacuum where rationality and logic fail, Fed by a flawed premise of emotion and self importance as a platform from which their opinion and feelings matter most, blinding them to simple truths, and the inability to see the end result of their own actions, and how they may come to regret them someday.
My own opinion is that most youth wont actually vote! Look how many adults cant be bothered.
Voting is something you do for the good of the country, state county, etc... What's in it for them? DR

Alas, remember the youth of to day do not even go out shopping, but rather obtain items via WWW.

Perhaps, just perhaps some viable & secure methodology could be devised were this nation's citizen do not need state issued documentation to vote and our citizens could vote electronically?

Voting per se., seems a but 1700's arcane for the 21st century's citizens wouldn't you say?
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