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Yes, it's true. Guns are evil, which makes them living & sentient beings. An inanimate object cannot control the mind of a human being. According to the dingbat professor named in the article, a firearm can control the mind of a human and cause him to take actions he would not had a firearm not been handy. That going-nowhere dimbulb Eric Swalwell believes this garbage. He is moronically fervent in his ignorant conviction that the protruding pistol grip of an AR-type rifle absolutely causes owners of such rifles to commit violent crimes, and wants such rifles made illegal for Americans to own and to use. This is the same type of clown who certainly knew there were witches running rampant all over Salem, Massachusetts in the Seventeenth Century.

The abject stupidity of liberals never ceases to amaze me. They never assign responsibility to a person who has taken an action which society finds reprehensible. No. Never. The person in the automobile traveling north is dead because the stopsign failed in its duty to have the car traveling west come to a halt until the car traveling north was completely through the intersection. The driver of the car traveling west is not responsible for the death of the passenger in the car traveling north. That responsibility falls upon the stopsign. It failed. Put the stopsign in jail...
Dartmouth needs to take a close look at this lady. I would have some concerns if I was supporting a young scholar at Dartmouth.

She seems to be missing her professional calling and would to be a perfect fit as a political party spokesperson. No one will challenge her in either academia or mainstream media where logic, facts, and common sense take the backseat to a hot button agenda item.
These are the folks that parents pay huge sums of money to 'educate' our children. They make big salaries and at state funded schools at the taxpayers expense. Shouldn't this one spend time helping her students rather than writing some obviously flawed story?
I was always shocked when I asked my kids what they learned in school today, or asked them about what history they we're being taught. I'd then have to give them what really happened and make sure they understood just how great this Country is....shameful.
What's the point of this thread?
To illustrate that the fruitcakes on the anti-gun side of our society actually believe that a firearm in the hand of a human has the power to affect and control the mind of said human, and has the power to have said human venture forth and subsequently commit a heinous crime. This kind of bullschumer is so wacko-- so nutty-- that people of even lower intelligence have to look at this and ask themselves how can someone so allegedly brilliant be so flunkin' stupid. The "thinking" of this professor is on par with that of a toddler...
To illustrate that the fruitcakes on the anti-gun side of our society actually believe that a firearm in the hand of a human has the power to affect and control the mind of said human, and has the power to have said human venture forth and subsequently commit a heinous crime. This kind of bullschumer is so wacko-- so nutty-- that people of even lower intelligence have to look at this and ask themselves how can someone so allegedly brilliant be so flunkin' stupid. The "thinking" of this professor is on par with that of a toddler...
They would also say that a spoon made them fat and their #2 pencil misspelled their words...
They would also say that a spoon made them fat and their #2 pencil misspelled their words...
Yes; exactly that kind. When I was growing-up, I was taught that it was me who was responsible for what I did. "It broke" was not an excuse for why I destroyed something that didn't deserve destruction. My dad had no tolerance for the wanton destruction of useful things, and he made the point with his belt across my bare tokhus.

Kids today have no respect for the property of others, or even for their own property. This is probably because kids today have grown-up in a disposable world: Use-up whatever it is, throw it away and get another. The easy replacement of things we use has engendered a mentality that everything is of low value, and can be replaced at a low cost. That's not always true, but it seems that's how we've begun to think...
I was always shocked when I asked my kids what they learned in school today, or asked them about what history they we're being taught. I'd then have to give them what really happened and make sure they understood just how great this Country is....shameful.
What kids are being taught in school these days is dramatically different than what I was taught especially history. It has been and continues to be re-written by progressives.
Guns are innocent; people are evil.
That is perfectly correct. Thinking people understand that. It's those who seek to transfer the blame for atrocious behavior onto an inanimate object who do not understand such a simple and undeniably true concept. It isn't even a concept; it's fact.

Does alcohol transform an otherwise reasonable man into a terror on the highways? No. Alcohol in sufficient quantities can intoxicate a man, yet the alcohol did not pressure him into jumping into his car and urge him to go tearing down city streets, through stoplights and across a crosswalk that had an innocent person walking across it at the same time. That decision was taken in the mind of the man. Why would he take such a decision? Because somewhere in the deepest, darkest recesses of his mind he believes he can do something that society has deemed to be outrageous and that he will suffer no consequences for it. Maybe the alcohol has corrupted his ability to take an intelligent decision. That's a possibility, but it is no excuse for such behavior.

The real reason he violated the law was that he believed he could do so and emerge unscathed. That is the sole reason any person violates any law-- believing he can get away with it. We've all violated the speed limits on our public highways. Most of the time we get away with it. But there are those few times we don't, and we have the violation on our DMV reports for several years to come. Our insurance rates increase, or our insurance may be canceled.

As a trucker, I may be denied a job for which I have applied or may have my present job taken from me. Laws mean a lot to me, and such respect has filtered itself into how I live my own life. I stop at stopsigns on private property, as we sometimes see in shopping malls, et cetera. The last thing I need is to run a stopsign on private property and have a peace officer see it. The sign reads STOP. The sign is there to promote and to ensure safety. I am required to stop, be it on private property or not. If I hit a pedestrian because I did not stop, I'm in deep schumer. I will face the consequences for my failure to abide a law. Such consequences could well be the end of my career. I might even find myself in jail, if the violation is sufficiently heinous...

Laws exist to maintain order in society. When we ignore our laws, we invite anarchy...
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