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"Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent man"

You are right, as a disabled veteran there is not much chance of my besting 2, or 3 attackers. I have taken handgun classes and competitive handgun competition events. From these I am very aware I have VERY little chance of beating the bad guys, unless I have lots of distance, in which case my scoped Winchester Model 70 in 30-06 ought do me well.

All your judgements of me really avoided telling me why you are personally one who wants a high capacity magazine, From your I have assumed it is because you are afraid of a confrontation with multiple assailants. That has nothing to do with nuclear fusion, which I am familiar with, as that is basically why I am disabled, and gain no benefit with a high capacity magazine. That you for posting.
Explain what your beef is with standard-capacity magazines? C'mon tell us! What skin is it off your nose if I carry 30 round mags in my self-defense firearms? Unable to make the firearms themselves illegal, you now come after the magazines.
You talk like a gun-grabbing communist, IMO.
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"Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent man"

You are right, as a disabled veteran there is not much chance of my besting 2, or 3 attackers. I have taken handgun classes and competitive handgun competition events. From these I am very aware I have VERY little chance of beating the bad guys, unless I have lots of distance, in which case my scoped Winchester Model 70 in 30-06 ought do me well.

All your judgements of me really avoided telling me why you are personally one who wants a high capacity magazine, From your I have assumed it is because you are afraid of a confrontation with multiple assailants. That has nothing to do with nuclear fusion, which I am familiar with, as that is basically why I am disabled, and gain no benefit with a high capacity magazine. That you for posting.
If you are a "fusion-disabled vet" I am Mickey Mouse...
I was not looking for a vote, insults, or threats. I was simply asking for others reasons for having large magazine firearms. It seems like a simple question, with unique personal reasons applicable. I apologize for ruffling any feathers. My reason for the 5 round scoped rifle is I figure distance is my friend ... 800 yards beats 2 yards for me.
"800 yards" with a .30-06 Winnie model 70? You must be a latter-day Davy Crockett, if you can hit a man-size target at 800 yards. Any hunter knows the ridiculousness of that contention. Get a life, and any insults you get you richly deserve. No one threatened you either.
NO ONE carries more than 5-rnd mag capacity while hunting. State Fish and Game regs in all States prohibit that, as any actual, real hunter knows.
AZ may turn rainbow like Colorado soon but not yet, we can use a 100 round drum if we decide to.

"The magazine round restriction for centerfire semi-auto rifles was removed from the hunting regulations in the year 2012 when House Bill 2640 was passed by the AZ State Legislature and amended ARS Title 17-231 which describes the general powers and duties of the AZ Game and Fish Commission. The specific reference to magazine round restrictions is found in ARS Title 17-231 A3."
AZ may turn rainbow like Colorado soon but not yet, we can use a 100 round drum if we decide to.

"The magazine round restriction for centerfire semi-auto rifles was removed from the hunting regulations in the year 2012 when House Bill 2640 was passed by the AZ State Legislature and amended ARS Title 17-231 which describes the general powers and duties of the AZ Game and Fish Commission. The specific reference to magazine round restrictions is found in ARS Title 17-231 A3."
One day things may look like this here in AZ

This is not true.
Arizona does not have a 5 round limit for hunting.
The only limit we have is the 3 round for migratory birds , and that is a federal law.
OK, I didnt realise that, the law was changed recently. My bad. Personally I prefer the 5-round limit for large game, but not for general purpose. But that's me. The lib/gae/dem/commucrats have made purchase of over-15 round mags illegal here. Far as I am aware we can still POSSESS them if we own them. I hope we will be able to TAKE OUR STATE BACK.
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AZ may turn rainbow like Colorado soon but not yet, we can use a 100 round drum if we decide to.

"The magazine round restriction for centerfire semi-auto rifles was removed from the hunting regulations in the year 2012 when House Bill 2640 was passed by the AZ State Legislature and amended ARS Title 17-231 which describes the general powers and duties of the AZ Game and Fish Commission. The specific reference to magazine round restrictions is found in ARS Title 17-231 A3."
Hopefully you WON'T "go rainbow" like Colorado. We've been overrun by Californicators here.
"800 yards" with a .30-06 Winnie model 70? You must be a latter-day Davy Crockett, if you can hit a man-size target at 800 yards. Any hunter knows the ridiculousness of that contention. Get a life, and any insults you get you richly deserve. No one threatened you either.
There you go. I did not say I hit man sized targets at 800 yards with a Model 70 in 30-06. You created that. I understand you better than you understand me I think. Have a great day.
NO ONE carries more than 5-rnd mag capacity while hunting. State Fish and Game regs in all States prohibit that, as any actual, real hunter knows.
That makes sense. So why would anyone be walking around in the back country with a firearm with greater than 5 round capacity. They are not hunting, so what would they be doing ?
I'm a combat veteran, people (and a lot of game animals) are actually (in general) hard to kill, especially with handgun rounds. Shooting and killing someone (or something) isn't like TV shows where one round knocks the "bad guy" back 10' through a wall or window.

Sure, some will go down from just a "flesh wound", while others (most) have taken multiple rounds and kept coming. It depends on the target's (human or animal) "motivation" to live.

As for hunting, I've taken three deer, and only fired one round for each one. All three were heart shots, the first two jumped straight up and hit the ground dead, the third one ran HARD uphill for 50yds into thick brush and it took me an hour to find him…. HE wanted to live, even though his heart was exploded.

Not that I have to "explain myself" to anyone… I don't daily carry a sidearm for "hunting", I carry it for self defense. I don't keep several 12ga shotguns that hold 8-9rds around the house for hunting, I keep 'em to repel intruders. I don't keep a few AR's and AK's around for hunting, I keep 'em for self-defense as well as for use against rioting and looting… such as we've ALL seen televised from that awesome "progressive utopia" California and other "progressive" bastions like Oregon, where I currently reside.

Using your logic, most cops never shoot their guns in the line of duty, so explain why THEY need more than 10rnd magazines? makes sense. Thank you for the honest response. I plan to use some of your information in my letters to my state Assembly representative.
Now that makes sense to me. Thank you very much for your honest response. I plan to use some of your information on my next letter to my state Assembly person.
I buy "high-capacity magazines" because the alpha-hotels in Washington do not want me to have them. It's my way of telling them to go copulate themselves. Limiting magazine capacity is a stupid idea. I can promise you, a perp with just one round in his wheppin will command his immediate area because who in that area wants to be the one whom gets shot with the perp's single round?
I think I understand. Thank you for your honest reply. I look for reasons to include in my letters to my state Assembly Representative.
I like 40-round magazines because I like to pull the trigger-- a lot-- and "trigger" some dumbfook liberal lawmaker in Washington, DC. Liberals abhor the Second Amendment, but will fight 'til their last breath to defend the First, Fourth and Fifth Amendments. The Rights under the Bill of Rights are all equal and are all important for the continuing of Liberty of the American People. I believe that's so stated in the Seventh Amendment (without looking). The numbskull liberals deign to pass laws against an inanimate object because they know laws passed against living criminals are ineffective. So they reduce the Rights of the law-abiding in deference to those who don't obey the law regardless of the penalties for criminality. That's cowardice, if you were to ask me. The liberals argument is "We'll take away the weapons that are used by criminals to commit crimes and if they who do not commit crimes with the same type of guns complain... well, that's just too bad. They'll need to find a new hobby." Pure idiocy. Only tyrants would be satisfied with such an asinine philosophy. It's basically "Let them eat cake."
I agree with some of your comments. Thank you for the reply.
That makes sense. So why would anyone be walking around in the back country with a firearm with greater than 5 round capacity. They are not hunting, so what would they be doing ?
I will give a couple of my reasons:

I varmint hunt in Arizona. I've run into groups of illegals withing 30 miles of Phoenix, one group had stolen, butchered, and eaten most of a cow from a nearby ranch. Their encampment was made out of what appeared to be other stolen items. I want firepower.

My varmint and small game rigs include an AK in 5.56, multiple ARs in 5.56, multiple ARs in .22lr, Ruger 10-22s and Ruder 22mag. All have mags with much more than 5 rounds.

When I go big game hunting, I use several rifles, a couple "AR10"s, an AR in 6.8spcII, and others in 7.62, they all hold more than 5 rounds.

When I camp in high country, bear country, I used to a Marlin lever gun in .458 Marlin, it had a 10 round capacity but I switched to an AR in .458SOCOM because of control familiarity and it still holds 10 rounds.

I might be walking around at any time with more than 5 rounds in my hunting weapon, and that ignores my pistol. The only hunting rifles I currently own with less than a 5 round capacity are a Win-70 7mm mag and a Benelli R1 300 Winnie.
If multiple round magazines pose a problem, then their logic would be to only carry single shot rifles and pistols. Which of course isn't the end game. The illogical proposition is more than five rounds is a problem. I learned hunting with single shot shotgun and .22 rifle. That taught me to make better shot selection and to become very accurate. Their goal isn't to limit magazine size, but firearms ownership.
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