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The left-wing media and the Leftist Federal Law Enforcement are constantly claiming that "Right Wing Extremists" and "White Supremacists" are the greatest threats to the US. I subscribe to US Department of Justice news releases (U.S. Department of Justice <[email protected]>) and maybe 1 out of 250 releases have something to do with racists and I have never seen a single release in 4 years about a "Right Wing Extremist." They keep trying to paint what happened at the capitol as a "right wing extremist" insurrection when it was, in fact, American citizens protesting a crooked election. Yes, it got out of hand, but out of the thousands of US citizens there, only a relative handful resorted to property violence and physical resistance against the police. The DOJ would have you believe that they are actively trying to overthrow the government (the definition of an "Insurrection) but if you follow the news, you'll see the statements have changed from an "Insurrection" to a plain old riot.

The fact is, the Federal LE community is consistently lying about "Right Wing Extremism" being a threat to the nation. They are basing their reports heavily on "intel" from the Southern Poverty Law Center (also referred to as the Socialism Pushing Lying Communists) who are funded by Soros, the American Communist Party, the Chinese Communist Party and a host of other left wing organizations. The SPLC lists any group that disagrees with their anarchist Communist views as a "Hate Group." Some of the organizations on their list of "Hate Groups" are: Alliance Defending Freedom, American College of Pediatricians, American Family Association, Center for Immigration Studies, Family Research Council, Jewish Defense League and a host of other mainstream organizations in addition to true hate groups such as the Aryan Brotherhood and United Klans of America. Oath Keepers are prominently listed in their propaganda based on what members have written (but not on what they have done). That's why they are so prominently mentioned in all the DOJ press releases about the riots, but the fact is Oath Keepers have not killed nor injured anyone whereas those darlings of the left, ANTIFA and BLM have caused billions of dollars in damage and cost several lives are not on the list.

So, it's time to make DOJ and the leftist media propaganda machine to put up or shut up. Where is their proof showing "Right Wing Extremism" and "White Nationalism" are a direct threat to the Republic? Enough of the "reports" about the dangers and the threats they pose, show us, the American People, the actual proof. Where are the physical attacks by these organizations? Where are the actual indictments? Where is the destruction? Where are the bodies? The truth is there is no proof. All these reports about the threats "Right Wing Extremism" and "White Nationalism" are based on reports from the SPLC and not actual intelligence showing a threat. The true "Hate Group" is the SPLC and it's time for our Intelligence and LE communities to stop using them as the source for supposed threats to America.

Write your Senators and Congressmen and ask them these questions. When you see news reports about this so-called "Right Wing Extremism" being a threat, call their bluff. Send an email to news directors asking them to prove their story. If you happen to attend a public forum with your elected representatives, ask them. If you happen to be at a press conference with an elected official or Federal LE representative, ask them the hard questions. Make them prove what they are saying. They prefer we just accept their propaganda as truth, but its time to hold them accountable. That will be the first step to truly re-uniting America.
AOC is one of the biggest democrat RACIST out there. This nonthinking person needs to get over herself. She doesn't know I bet, that the KKK was started by the racist left......
I'd like to write exactly what I'm thinking, but those words aren't allowed on a tasteful website like we have here. The simple truth is that the Criminal Left and the Criminal Left Media work together against the best interests of the People.

Let's look at this idiotic idea about expanding the Supreme Court to thirteen justices. If this gets through and Joe BiteMe signs the bill to allow the additions to go forward, we'll never again get any conservative idea to eventually become law. What we will get is felons voting, illegal aliens voting, outright bans on all privately-owned firearms, bans of Free Speech for conservatives only, any and all seck-shool behavior made totally legal for liberals, abortions up to fifteen years after the birth, a vote by a conservative to be three-fifths of a vote by a liberal, your political orientation made part of your personal information, your religious orientation made part of your personal information... and on and on with losses of Liberty everywhere there is Liberty to lose.

The Tyranny-crat Party of today is as close to the Communist Party under Stalin as we can get without actually adopting Stalin's flavor of Communism. And don't for a second believe that the extreme Left of the Corruption-crats don't desperately desire to institute that kind of iron-fisted tyranny in these United States. The Criminal Left wants all the power over the individual citizen they can acquire-- and the Criminal Left Media is right there with them in full-throated support of the destruction of our Freedom. I believe that if Thomas Jefferson was here with us in these days and knew of the treachery of one Chucky Bullschumer, he'd pull his flintlock pistol and shoot Chucky dead right where the fetid pile of canine excrement was standing.
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