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"Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent man"

You are right, as a disabled veteran there is not much chance of my besting 2, or 3 attackers. I have taken handgun classes and competitive handgun competition events. From these I am very aware I have VERY little chance of beating the bad guys, unless I have lots of distance, in which case my scoped Winchester Model 70 in 30-06 ought do me well.

All your judgements of me really avoided telling me why you are personally one who wants a high capacity magazine, From your I have assumed it is because you are afraid of a confrontation with multiple assailants. That has nothing to do with nuclear fusion, which I am familiar with, as that is basically why I am disabled, and gain no benefit with a high capacity magazine. That you for posting.
OK, if you can't read the cards, I've been in a urban gunfight and I've investigated several others. If you want to go in with 5 or 10 rounds be my guest. If you are truly a "wounded Vet" you would understand being much more well armed than the other guy. If you still can't understand that, like I said earlier, no sense trying to explain.

BTW, Your Model 70 30.06 does not have 5 round capacity and if you think you are going to defeat attackers with a "scoped 30.06, you are either a troll who plays video games or a liberal who has no idea how to deal with real criminals.
I been hunting with a bolt action, 5 round magazine, for 50 years. Why are you here ?
Because there are fools out there who think the 2nd amendment has something to do with hunting, which it does NOT, and because our government is increasingly corrupt and dangerous to the citizens of this nation.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."
Be very honest. Tell me why you really need a magazine with more than 10 rounds. I do not think you will get that many shots at that deer.
I hate people that try to decide for ME what I NEED.
Using your flawed logic, why do YOU even NEED a magazine? Shouldn't you just need a single shot? Maybe a musket or a slingshot? Why do YOU even NEED a firearm? We the collective, seem to have decided that you don't NEED ( aka deserve) a firearm.
Perhaps you should go turn your gun into the police in you effed up state and just stick to playing CALL OF DUTY on your couch.
"Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent man"
I would have guessed, as a "wounded vet", you would understand that you don't get a vote on when violence visits you. Your only vote is how you respond, lay down and accept it or resist it in the best way possible.

If you can't see any need for the best possible defense available and, in spite of your competitive pistol training, don't know of a better defense than a scoped hunting rifle, it's impossible for me to explain it to you.

That leaves me with the question that was asked of you previously, why is it anyone's business if others decide on an 18 +1 capacity pistol, an 8-round capacity shotgun, or a 30 round capacity AR/AK rifle?

I guess a question directly to you is: since you decided that a 5 round, scoped rifle, fills your needs and wants, why should anyone be questioned about their desire for something better fitted to their needs and wants?
I would have guessed, as a "wounded vet", you would understand that you don't get a vote on when violence visits you. Your only vote is how you respond, lay down and accept it or resist it in the best way possible.

If you can't see any need for the best possible defense available and, in spite of your competitive pistol training, don't know of a better defense than a scoped hunting rifle, it's impossible for me to explain it to you.

That leaves me with the question that was asked of you previously, why is it anyone's business if others decide on an 18 +1 capacity pistol, an 8-round capacity shotgun, or a 30 round capacity AR/AK rifle?

I guess a question directly to you is: since you decided that a 5 round, scoped rifle, fills your needs and wants, why should anyone be questioned about their desire for something better fitted to their needs and wants?
I was not looking for a vote, insults, or threats. I was simply asking for others reasons for having large magazine firearms. It seems like a simple question, with unique personal reasons applicable. I apologize for ruffling any feathers. My reason for the 5 round scoped rifle is I figure distance is my friend ... 800 yards beats 2 yards for me.
First you ask a question in s very accusatory nature

Be very honest. Tell me why you really need a magazine with more than 10 rounds. I do not think you will get that many shots at that deer.
Then you follow-up with a holier than thou statement to cement your position

I been hunting with a bolt action, 5 round magazine, for 50 years. Why are you here ?
So, you toss a grenade into a shooting forum, then you confirm that it was not by mistake, and you expect civility in responses.

Exactly what color isa your sky?
Seems like the argument is based on the challenging word, "need". Shouldn't have to justify a hobby, pleasure, pastime, desire, right, and something that is legal. Plus, magazine capacity is not a threat in the hand of law-abiding citizens. Apply the same word argument to population, vehicles, private property. There is never a correct answer to the person who asks, "Why do you need...?" Their unspoken "need" is for control of others.
Seems like the argument is based on the challenging word, "need". Shouldn't have to justify a hobby, pleasure, pastime, desire, right, and something that is legal. Plus, magazine capacity is not a threat in the hand of law-abiding citizens. Apply the same word argument to population, vehicles, private property. There is never a correct answer to the person who asks, "Why do you need...?" Their unspoken "need" is for control of others.
I agree 100% "need" should not be and is not an issue. The word "need" is superfluous when discussing a right. What rubbed me wrong was the accusatory statement of each question:

"I do not think you will get that many shots at that deer." Who cares about shots at a deer, and what doe that have to do with anything?

"I been hunting with a bolt action, 5 round magazine, for 50 years." Once again who care what he has been hunting and why his rule-of-thumb should apply to your hunting, competition, EDC, or just plinking?

The questions appear to be much more about the accusation than an actual question. I also agree with the troll analysis.
First you ask a question in s very accusatory nature

Then you follow-up with a holier than thou statement to cement your position

So, you toss a grenade into a shooting forum, then you confirm that it was not by mistake, and you expect civility in responses.

Exactly what color isa your sky?
I un derstand your opinion, as it is consistent. Have a great day.
I like 40-round magazines because I like to pull the trigger-- a lot-- and "trigger" some dumbfook liberal lawmaker in Washington, DC. Liberals abhor the Second Amendment, but will fight 'til their last breath to defend the First, Fourth and Fifth Amendments. The Rights under the Bill of Rights are all equal and are all important for the continuing of Liberty of the American People. I believe that's so stated in the Seventh Amendment (without looking). The numbskull liberals deign to pass laws against an inanimate object because they know laws passed against living criminals are ineffective. So they reduce the Rights of the law-abiding in deference to those who don't obey the law regardless of the penalties for criminality. That's cowardice, if you were to ask me. The liberals argument is "We'll take away the weapons that are used by criminals to commit crimes and if they who do not commit crimes with the same type of guns complain... well, that's just too bad. They'll need to find a new hobby." Pure idiocy. Only tyrants would be satisfied with such an asinine philosophy. It's basically "Let them eat cake."
The numbskull liberals deign to pass laws against an inanimate object because they know laws passed against living criminals are ineffective
Wait, Sacramento, CA, I've seen that location in this post, somewhere. Isn't that the state capital of California, where:

Two individuals, both already felons, in possession of firearms, another federal/state felony, in possession of ammunition, another federal/state felony, one in possession of a pistol converted to a machinegun, another federal/state felony, one was let out early on a 10-year sentence for aggravated assault causing great bodily harm, a state felony, shot into a crowd in Sacramento, CA.

Maybe we should make shooting into a crowd illegal in Sacramento, CA. and doubly illegal if it's done with a high-capacity magazine. That's the ticket, another law, that state legislators can pass enhancing their image, while telling prosecutors to be lenient, allowing mass releases of prisoners, and telling parole boards be open-minded.

There, problem solved.
I ignored Hook as irrelevant quite a while ago - try it, will lower your blood pressure.
As for mag bans, I expect Congress to try it again before AZ does, but I am staying active in AZ politics to make sure we don't have more Calirefugees try to take over the government again.
I was simply asking for others' reasons for having large-magazine firearms.
I buy "high-capacity magazines" because the alpha-hotels in Washington do not want me to have them. It's my way of telling them to go copulate themselves. Limiting magazine capacity is a stupid idea. I can promise you, a perp with just one round in his wheppin will command his immediate area because who in that area wants to be the one whom gets shot with the perp's single round?
Be very honest. Tell me why you really need a magazine with more than 10 rounds. I do not think you will get that many shots at that deer.
I'm a combat veteran, people (and a lot of game animals) are actually (in general) hard to kill, especially with handgun rounds. Shooting and killing someone (or something) isn't like TV shows where one round knocks the "bad guy" back 10' through a wall or window.

Sure, some will go down from just a "flesh wound", while others (most) have taken multiple rounds and kept coming. It depends on the target's (human or animal) "motivation" to live.

As for hunting, I've taken three deer, and only fired one round for each one. All three were heart shots, the first two jumped straight up and hit the ground dead, the third one ran HARD uphill for 50yds into thick brush and it took me an hour to find him…. HE wanted to live, even though his heart was exploded.

Not that I have to "explain myself" to anyone… I don't daily carry a sidearm for "hunting", I carry it for self defense. I don't keep several 12ga shotguns that hold 8-9rds around the house for hunting, I keep 'em to repel intruders. I don't keep a few AR's and AK's around for hunting, I keep 'em for self-defense as well as for use against rioting and looting… such as we've ALL seen televised from that awesome "progressive utopia" California and other "progressive" bastions like Oregon, where I currently reside.

Using your logic, most cops never shoot their guns in the line of duty, so explain why THEY need more than 10rnd magazines?
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