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Haven't signed-up yet, but I shall. I was never on farcebook or Twaddle, so I've never had my politics severely censored when I've written about my particular stances. Ted Cruz is on Parler, as is Mark Levin. Good company, in my opinion. If I can get it, my username over there will be the same as it is here. I'm not entirely leaving SWFA; just going to where I can really let my ideologies be absolutely known with no euphemisms and no PC bullschumer on what I really think. I invite y'all to look at Parler and join-up if you want to let the world know what's really on your mind...
Parler is a waste of time. They want your phone number when you sign up. If you want to become 'verified' on there, they want a copy of your drivers license. On top of that, there are a lot of far right wing nut jobs on there. No, thank you.
The problem with Parlor and MeWe are there are so few users, that there is little content. as it gains in popularity that may change.
Parlor was in the news Fri. They are billing them selves as the 1st amendment platform. Some others and especially the porn industry are flocking there for their no censoring policy. And Parlor is trying to set some boundary's.
Parlor is going to have to set some rules or they will go the way of 4Chan and 8Chan, Filled with a cesspool of whack jobs that cant have any discussion, because they can't get along.
Parlor is also trying to take in commercial advertising dollars. I can't see any mainstream business spending its advertising money on a platform with no rules. Especially in the Cancel Culture we live in today. How do you think McDonalds would react to there ad being right next to a Gay Porn post?
I don't consider this or a couple other sites I read daily "Heavily Moderated". But they are family friendly, and firearms focused. I can't think of anything I would want to say about guns, hunting, or even survival that I couldn't say here.
I never joined Twitter, and only recently started using FB to support a business I have. But I won't last long on FB.
My kind of business won't last long there. Once I get on their radar, it will be a short run. But I am picking up customers I would not reach on MeWe or Parlor. at least till they get more users.

Good Luck Op, But I would not close your accounts at other sights you like reading at least till Parlor gets more posters. You may get very lonely! DR
It's not a bad site, considering how other social media sites hate conservative content up to deleting and banning, I'd rather be there than at any of the established liberal ones.
There are also quite a few conservatives to follow there, from Ben Stein to Larry the Cable Guy, I like it.
They want your phone number when you sign-up. If you want to become "verified" on there, they want a copy of your driver's license.
That kind of information is the deal-breaker for me. What's to say that a government headed by a senile, stammering fool and a wacko, nutcase bravo-itch won't hack into Parler's database and target members for all kinds of harassment and economic devastation? I guess I'm gonna pass on joining...
Really the verification with phone number is more for celebrities and those that are going to use it for promotions or funding, if you just want to sign up you don't need to give them your number.

I signed up without a phone number. Just not than many folks left fakebook and moved there yet so I only check in occasionally.

When I looked into it 3 weeks ago, you needed a phone number. Unless they have changed things since then, I believe you still need one.

In fact, I just went to the signup area of the site and they still want a phone number (screenshot below).

Screen Shot 2020-12-07 at 4.43.56 PM.png
Something may have changed. When I signed out of it and tried to create an account it auto-populated everything but the mobile number and highlighted it as missing. If you want to be secretive try using the famous AT&T phony number xxx-555-1212. I don't think they will attempt to verify it.
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