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The interplay of guns and marijuana, particularly medicinal, has raised a variety of issues for everyone from gun dealers and law enforcement to marijuana users.

Since those questions involve not only federal but state law and local ordinances, it's complicated.

The first thing hunters, sportsmen and other gun owners probably don't know but need to know is that, if you have a medical marijuana card, you won't be allowed to buy a gun.

Second, if you use pot, forget about a concealed weapons permit.

And, if you are high and have a gun on your person, you're guilty of a misdemeanor. By the way, that law also applies to having a gun on you while drunk.

Marijuana use muddies Nevada, federal gun laws |
People will have to make hard choices.

So if you are using medical marijuana for pain management - the government feels you should also be defenseless. That sounds like the government I know.
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this is a slippery slope. can you give a stoner access to a gun if he's using recreational marijuana? Can you give a vet with PTSD access to a gun if he's got a prescription for the use of medical marijuana? Where do you draw the line?
Take your emotions and your patriotic bravado out of it. At some point you'd have to agree that not all Vets should be allowed access, and in some cases the stoner could be allowed. There has to be a careful plan for who has access, and how that access is determined. Quantity? Frequency? Location? What other variables can there be.
It should be a given that the VA should allow weed for certain vets under strict guidelines, but its a fact that politicians don't have a trace of brainpower in figuring it out.
this is a slippery slope. can you give a stoner access to a gun if he's using recreational marijuana? Can you give a vet with PTSD access to a gun if he's got a prescription for the use of medical marijuana? Where do you draw the line?
Take your emotions and your patriotic bravado out of it. At some point you'd have to agree that not all Vets should be allowed access, and in some cases the stoner could be allowed. There has to be a careful plan for who has access, and how that access is determined. Quantity? Frequency? Location? What other variables can there be.
It should be a given that the VA should allow weed for certain vets under strict guidelines, but its a fact that politicians don't have a trace of brainpower in figuring it out.

We already give concealed carry licenses to people who drink, how is that any different?
Well, I guess I'd have to say that weed and booze have differing effects on humans. Not only that, weed is Federally illegal. I'm not making any judgements. Just stating facts.

As I said, THERE NEEDS TO BE A CAREFUL PLAN! What works for some, shouldn't or might not work for others!
Well, I guess I'd have to say that weed and booze have differing effects on humans. Not only that, weed is Federally illegal. I'm not making any judgements. Just stating facts.

As I said, THERE NEEDS TO BE A CAREFUL PLAN! What works for some, shouldn't or might not work for others!

If you say so,
I feel like since before the founding of this Country, folks have been, drinking, smoking weed and carrying guns--I'm not seeing a new problem to plan for
but you forget that POLITICIANS have formed LAWS down our throats that severely limit our rights. And in some cases common sense dictates that certain activities need to be watched. Open carry in a bar or letting him drive away by a guy who's stinky faced doesn't make much sense!
Personally, I don't really see the conflict. I do see a parallel to the law-abiding gun owner example we use when explaining why blood isn't running in the streets even though the number of people carrying has gone through the roof. If someone's taking the time and going through the process of getting their medical card I'd assume they're going to use responsibly, and I'd rather approach it that way than restricting freedoms 'in case they weren't'.
To resurrect this thread from the dead, in view of more states legalising/decriminalising pot, I think we can agree that pot smokers per se are not crazed maniacs likely to burst into sudden violence. Personally I would rather have to take down a person high on weed than a drunk- drunks in my experience are far more likely to react violently- or be violent in the first place. This is simply my experience. Until the federal laws are changed however- it is what it is. A very murky area when state and federal laws clash!
I bought a little bottle of CBD oil for pain in my shoulder. I was assured it had no THC in it because it was purchased from a state-sanctioned store. I though about it for a while, and never did put any of it on.
I had an address on the dark side of the moon when I was quite young. That address changed to the conservative point of view after the first time I voted. Wrong by the way. Hated what my elected officials did.

Pot is legal now in my area, I have a friend that has grown some and is keeping with the long held concept of "for personal use". I keep wondering what will happen if he is pulled over under the influence. Would be sad to see his Colt .327 disappear, yes I do mean .327
I keep wondering what will happen if he is pulled over under the influence. Would be sad to see his Colt .327 disappear, yes I do mean .327
There are billboards along I-80 east of Reno admonishing that "Impaired is impaired" be it booze, pills, or smoke. If you're all buzzed-up on whatever, you are impaired and the penalties are already in existence. As a trucker, I'm "morally protected" to not engage in any of that bullschumer. I drink a few craftbeers, but never any spirit alcohol and I observe the regulation that no alcohol can be consumed within four hours of beginning to drive. I was last sick-puke drunk on November 9, 1984. I was so embarrassed within myself, I never drank to such excess again.
Heck, if Hunter Biden can lie on the forms, why can't we ?
He can because he's got the right connections. We who abide the law and do our best to be good citizens do not. I've heard Joe BiteMe owes $500,000 in back taxes to the IRS. Don't know if that's true or not. You can bet your testicles that if an everyday American citizen owed $500,000 in back taxes, the IRS would be crawling up that man's assets to get the money. But not Joe. Not Hunter.

Speaking of a two-tiered justice system, let's see how Alec Baldwin does with a Negligent Homicide or Negligent Manslaughter charge. I'm no legal beagle, so those charges may not even be the appropriate ones. But a woman has been unjustly killed. By a glans penis fooling-around with a gun. Morality demands that there be retribution...
I will have the jury stand out for awhile on Alec. There is much to little real reported facts in the incident.
I was taught by a man who carried a weapon to kill people that when the gun exchanges hands YOU check it and make sure you know what you have. For sure his finger released the bullet, there for he is responsible.
I always thought that a prop gun could not shoot any thing down the barrel because the barrel was blocked.

Watched Old Henry last night. It sounded like black power in the guns, nice to see and hear a period move stay true to the time.
... when the gun exchanges hands, YOU check it and make sure you know what you have. For sure his finger released the bullet, therefore, he is responsible.
The radio has been reporting that there was a "live round" in the weapon. To those of us on this website, a "live round" is one that can send a bullet down yonder. To the Criminal Left Media, a "live round" is whatever the media liaison for the production company says it is. It maybe a rubber pellet, which can still be fatal depending upon where on the human body it might impact.

I'd have to wonder all to helsinki why there would be an actual loaded munition in a handgun used on a movie set. I think that if these Hollyweird types actually did some genuine live-fire training with a defensive handgun and a Black Rifle, the propaganda they spew about how evil are firearms would be significantly quieted. They're speaking from ignorance and from political agenda, neither of which can never hold a whole lot of truth...
If they did live fire then why in all that is holey would you have a REAL firearm on a fantasy set? I know nothing of Baldwin as a person. His skill for weapons needs improving. I have been on ranges all over our country and every time I allow someone to look, or use my weapons, I ask do you know how? If they do not immediately check the weapon for a round and for safety I remove it from their hands. Not going down that path as there is nothing good at the end. Media types might all believe that the gun master can not make a mistake. There are examples to the contrary. Now some dolt in Washington will want federal regulation into another area of our lives. Because some people are to stupid to have anything in their hand. Wonder when the actors union will spout forth their drivel.
Would it be an outrageous request to have all actors who will handle a weapon while filming a movie take and pass a firearms-safety course? Had Baldwin done so, this event most likely would have never obtained.
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