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You know..... AZ is trying to out do CA.


Aloha, Mark
I wrote my elected representatives, telling them to never let this bill see the light of day. I am also sending the following message to all 12 of the Democrats who wrote/sponsored this bill:

I don't know what country you think you live in, but in the United States of America, we have a constitutionally protected RIGHT to bear arms. This right is NOT granted by the Constitution - it is constitutionally protected FROM the government. For the life of me, I will never understand why so many people want to take away citizens right to bear arms. This legislation that you have co-sponsored is nothing more than an attempt to strip Arizona citizens of their RIGHT to bear arms. This legislation will do NOTHING to prevent gun violence - it will only serve to disarm citizens. The sad thing is that you don't even know what an 'assault weapon' actually is. Per the United States military, an 'assault weapon' is a firearm that is capable of select fire - meaning semi-automatic AND fully automatic fire. And the fact that you are including handguns is even more laughable.

I will not stand idly by while you attempt to disarm American citizens. My fellow citizens will be informed of this foolish attempt to overthrow freedom. I will make sure that they know who sponsored/wrote this bill, so that they can get the word out to ensure that you are never elected again. You dishonor this state and the nation by your actions. You should be ashamed of what you are attempting to do - this is the United States of America. It is not communist China, it is not Venezuela, it is not Mexico, nor is it any of the other oppressive countries in the world - this is the greatest, most free nation on earth.

In case you have never read it (and I suspect that you never have), the Arizona constitution is very clear on the right to bear arms: Article II, § 26 of the Arizona Constitution states: "The right of the individual citizen to bear arms in defense of himself or the State shall not be impaired, but nothing in this section shall be construed as authorizing individuals or corporations to organize, maintain, or employ an armed body of men." The United States Constitution is also clear on this matter: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. The very legislation that you are pushing both impairs and infringes upon the right to bear arms.

You should also mention that by co-authoring a treasonous piece of trash such as that, they have violated their oath of office to "protect and defend the Constitution. " As such they should be under indictment to be removed from their position.
The reason we are having to keep fighting this is that a lot of out of state money and activists are working hard to turn AZ into CA. Tom Steyer and Mike Bloomberg have spent billions corrupting the electoral process in AZ. Please read the article at the attached link and remember that the Pima County Recorder, Maricopa County Recorder, Coconino County Recorder and the new AZ Secretary of State were all elected by Steyer, Soros and Bloomberg money and corrupted polls at AZ's three universities. They aren't verifying residency until after the votes are counted.

Bloomberg is prepared to spend $5,000,000.00 to get his pet monkey, Mark Kelly elected to the Senate. Thanks to the election shenanigans in Coconino, Maricopa and Pima Counties, he stands a chance. We must be vigilant and involved to prevent the oligarchs like Bloomberg and Soros from stealing another election.
It's bad enough that these none informed voters keep re-electing Raul Grijalva a Communist, gun grabbin, animal rights, full term abortion waste of good dirt. He calls the good people living close to our Southern border cockroaches. He wants them disarmed and jailed. Raul has never seen a gun law he didn't support. He is also co-chairman of the Progressive (Communist) party and a member of MEChA, a group for the violent take over of the Western and South Western United States. This clown wins by the skin of his teeth every time.

He is the only idiot that boycotted his own state proving Arizona has it's share of stupid. I use to write him reminding him of his oath to the Constitution and to stop attacking it. That didn't do any good so I started reminding him of my duty to drag him from his perch and have him answer charges for his crimes. I started addressing the letters to MEChA Boy and signing them Cockroach

Did the FBI or Secret Service show up at my door? No but his good buddy e-mailed me wanting me to man a phone bank for 24 hours getting him votes. I BLEW IT! I could have manned that phone bank costing him that election. The last three elections I have printed up and hung wanted posters on this work of art. The worst thing about Raul is he is your average low life democrat deserving a short rope for a long dance.

RAUL WANTED.png 15b17841f9103559b43ee4f2954be195.jpg
It's bad enough that these none informed voters keep re-electing Raul Grijalva a Communist, gun grabbin, animal rights, full term abortion waste of good dirt. He calls the good people living close to our Southern border cockroaches. He wants them disarmed and jailed. Raul has never seen a gun law he didn't support. He is also co-chairman of the Progressive (Communist) party and a member of MEChA, a group for the violent take over of the Western and South Western United States. This clown wins by the skin of his teeth every time.

He is the only idiot that boycotted his own state proving Arizona has it's share of stupid. I use to write him reminding him of his oath to the Constitution and to stop attacking it. That didn't do any good so I started reminding him of my duty to drag him from his perch and have him answer charges for his crimes. I started addressing the letters to MEChA Boy and signing them Cockroach

Did the FBI or Secret Service show up at my door? No but his good buddy e-mailed me wanting me to man a phone bank for 24 hours getting him votes. I BLEW IT! I could have manned that phone bank costing him that election. The last three elections I have printed up and hung wanted posters on this work of art. The worst thing about Raul is he is your average low life democrat deserving a short rope for a long dance.

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We have more and more Democrats moving here from other states, they bring their mindsets with them and will destroy our way of life here. I can't believe anyone with a conscious could vote for any Democrat.
Not necessarily. We have problems in Maricopa, Coconino and Pima counties because of the universities. Not only are non-resident students voting in Arizona elections, the students who have graduated and moved out of state, are still "voting" in Arizona elections. That's why there were so many "late" early ballots in the last election.
Something similar got filed in Texas, luckily in Texas the house, senate and gov. Are all "red" so the odds of it passing or slim to none. Heck our Gov has already said he would veto any anti-gun bill that crosses his desk.

my question is this.... who has control of your house, senate and gov?
Not necessarily. We have problems in Maricopa, Coconino and Pima counties because of the universities. Not only are non-resident students voting in Arizona elections, the students who have graduated and moved out of state, are still "voting" in Arizona elections. That's why there were so many "late" early ballots in the last election.
That kind of activity would slow WAY down if they were hanged by the neck until dead if caught the doing it.....
You can blame George Soros, Tom Steyer and Mike Bloomberg. Soros is the worst. Starting back in the 90's he filtered people into government positions and most of them are what we are calling the "Deep State." If you check their histories, most of the people involved in pushing the Russian fiasco worked for a Soros org or had part of their educations financed by a Soros org in the past. Then he started funding candidates for Secretaries of State, District Attorney and Attorney General offices that would look the other way when discrepancies or outright fraud occurred. Two examples are the Secretaries of State in Arizona and Michigan. My wife and I have lived in AZ since 1991. She is a resident alien and a green card holder. This year, for the first time ever, she received voter registration materials from the AZ Secretary of State. Nothing like using your office to suborn perjury. The reason that we don't see election fraud is because the people responsible for finding it are the ones committing it.
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