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Both of my state representatives and my senator just got emailed about this ignorant bill. How on earth to elected people think that they have the right or the authority to create laws like this?? I don't know who they think they are, but they can suck it.
I wrote my elected representatives, telling them to never let this bill see the light of day. I am also sending the following message to all 12 of the Democrats who wrote/sponsored this bill:

I don't know what country you think you live in, but in the United States of America, we have a constitutionally protected RIGHT to bear arms. This right is NOT granted by the Constitution - it is constitutionally protected FROM the government. For the life of me, I will never understand why so many people want to take away citizens right to bear arms. This legislation that you have co-sponsored is nothing more than an attempt to strip Arizona citizens of their RIGHT to bear arms. This legislation will do NOTHING to prevent gun violence - it will only serve to disarm citizens. The sad thing is that you don't even know what an 'assault weapon' actually is. Per the United States military, an 'assault weapon' is a firearm that is capable of select fire - meaning semi-automatic AND fully automatic fire. And the fact that you are including handguns is even more laughable.

I will not stand idly by while you attempt to disarm American citizens. My fellow citizens will be informed of this foolish attempt to overthrow freedom. I will make sure that they know who sponsored/wrote this bill, so that they can get the word out to ensure that you are never elected again. You dishonor this state and the nation by your actions. You should be ashamed of what you are attempting to do - this is the United States of America. It is not communist China, it is not Venezuela, it is not Mexico, nor is it any of the other oppressive countries in the world - this is the greatest, most free nation on earth.

In case you have never read it (and I suspect that you never have), the Arizona constitution is very clear on the right to bear arms: Article II, ยง 26 of the Arizona Constitution states: "The right of the individual citizen to bear arms in defense of himself or the State shall not be impaired, but nothing in this section shall be construed as authorizing individuals or corporations to organize, maintain, or employ an armed body of men." The United States Constitution is also clear on this matter: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. The very legislation that you are pushing both impairs and infringes upon the right to bear arms.
My fellow Arizona citizens need to make their voices heard. Please email your state representatives/senator and tell them they need to oppose this bill. You can also write to each of the people who wrote/sponsored this bill to let them know (as I did) how misguided they are. Here are the links you need:

This one can help you find your legislative district if you don't know it: Find My Legislator

This one is the legislative roster: Member Roster

And here are the names of the people who wrote/sponsored this bill:

Lela Alston

Lupe Contreras

David Bradley

Andrea Dalessandro

Sally Ann Gonzales

Juan Mendez

Tony Navarrete

Lisa Otondo

Jamescita Peshlakai

Martin Quezada

Rebecca Rios

Victoria Steele

Get the word out and make sure that your voice is heard. If they pass this bill, it will make criminals out of every law abiding firearm owner.
Vote this down guys!!! For the love of GOD vote this down!!! I'm coming and will be there by years end and you will have two other extra votes.

I do my part and email from Washington state on behalf of a future concerned citizen. :mad:
I have never committed any act that rises to a criminal level. I had a reckless driving ticket in August 1989; I don't remember if that went down as a misdemeanor or not. It chaps my assets that I am subject to laws meant for violent criminals only because I am also an American. Our laws are allegedly supposed to be applied equally to all so that's part of it, I guess. But to unhand an American of his arms because some richard-head hundreds or even several thousand miles away commits a heinous crime is sophistry-- and maybe even a little bit of tyranny.

The Second Amendment as today's American should see it: "The American People must forever retain the Right to own and to use those firearms best-designed and best-suited to bring to an expeditious end any tyrants who would deprive The People of their Liberty as bestowed unto them by God." That's really what The Second says, if you were to expand the concise and abbreviated language so used by The Framers. I use that line on another forum, under which I use my SWF username in German...
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Stupefying! A State that has had firearms Liberty for decades. Too bad we can't put all of Those Who Abhor Individual Liberty on a spaceship and send 'em to into the Asteroid Belt-- and just leave 'em there for all eternity to come. A Free People do not need those who would scrape-away at our heritage in tiny shavings...
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Doomberg is attempting to change the liberty-versus-tyranny numbers in the legislatures in the several States that still retain firearms Freedoms. Once he gets enough of those spineless trogs who squat to urinate to toe his line, the push will be on to remove the Second Amendment from our beloved Constitution. The Framers were too smart for him, though. I think it's the Seventh that states that all Amendments are equal in voice and power, and to diminish but one diminishes them all. Maybe this is Mini Mike's plan: To eliminate our Constitution by diluting its strength until it has none. The Criminal Left wants to put sixteen justices on the Supreme Court, such that any decision by a Court that abhors Freedom can never be overturned-- there will always be sufficient Haters of Individual Liberty thereupon to keep a tyrannical decision in place. Doomberg is one truly evil batsard, ain't he?
One-third of the process has just been completed in Virginia. One of their Houses has passed all those pro-crime bills. The other vote still awaits, and then Governor Blackface has to sign. George Washington is becoming not a small bit outraged...

No mad emogi....WTH?
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