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Security is a necessity, I carry a New Glock 43 (it always sleeps next to me at night, within 8 - 10 inches away), with the magazine extension and grip, for two extra rounds provides ample firepower for my needs. I only use Hornady Critical Defense Ammunition and I carry always, background in law enforcement. I use Lawman Ammo for Target use. I also have next to my side of the bed a Remmington short barrel 20 ga. and my wife has a 380 Pistol on her side. I'm new, I gonna sell my .40/.357 and maybe 9mm as well. I have a hankering to sell some of my weapons.
Depending on how the dog (100-pound Rhodesian Ridgeback) launches, Normal night response is a 12 Ga with mounted light starting with #4 Buckshot (1Rd) 00 Buckshot (1 Rd), Both Rds of buckshot Federal Flightcontrol wad. Followed with as many slugs as it will hold. Daylight response would be long guns AR, FN, or Gailil with optics. Always sidearm backup. Due to the job may weapons available including HK full auto in three calibers with suppressors.
There is a Glock 43 close. When given the choice, an 1894 Marlin in .357 magnum would probably be my choice. But I have a curious 4 year old son. He's good around guns, but I keep them all locked up any ways.
Currently my TP9SFX, modified. (Very) Just feels right. Very nice firearm.

Target was first time shooting, three (3) rounds, before adjustment.

I have blackened the front FO in last picture. Much better.



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A Glock19, 30, or 43, along with the pictured accoutrements are in my nightstand at night:

These are in the gun safe close to my side of the bed.... (as mentioned above) shotguns for night time, CAR15's (11.5" AR "pistols") for daylight.

If all that doesn't work, it's already a lost cause... :s0099:
Judge. Easy to turn and move with, wont go through too many walls, (410) and I dont have to be the most accurate guy on the block. Additionally, it's shorter, smaller than any rifle and therefore will easily fit on the night stand. Were I living with no neighbors nearby I'd perhaps have other choices.
I feel it's better to negotiate with a murderer or rapist in your bedroom, as opposed to ventilating him through and through with several .45ACP bullets. But criminals are stupid and may not understand the word "negotiate," so I think it's best to just advance directly to the pistol's way of discussing things and be done with the miserable batsard...
Upon further contemplation, I have come to the decision that it's a terrible thing to deprive a violent criminal his way of making a living. My home-defense system is now to call a social worker (as recommended by a philanderer from Hope, Arkansas), sit with the violent criminal and sing Kum-ba-Yah with him until the social worker shows-up. Wouldn't that be so much better than for my evil M1911 to deny the thug his Social Security in however many years into the future he'd be eligible for such an entitlement?

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