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The charges against Musk by the Criminal Left Conspiracy are pure bullschumer. Musk's salute was in no way a "Nazi salute." A Nazi salute is done at strict attention, eyes front and arm rigidly straight. There's probably even an angle at which the arm is to be elevated above zero degrees. Given how Germans are a very precise People, I wouldn't doubt it. What Musk did was, in my eyes, an "I give my heart/love to you" wave. The Criminal Left Conspiracy just said XYZ about Musk's physical movements because they are always looking for any opportunity to create doubt within the American People for who they voted in the previous General Election. Be reminded, however, that the Criminal Left Conspiracy never deigns to create doubt if the President is a Tyranny-crat.

The looney-toons Left really sickens me. They are some sick, sick, sick people. Any political persuasion that will save the life of the Delta smelt or the Snail darter over that of an unborn human baby is somewhere on-par with an obscure political Party in Germany during the middle-1930s until the middle-1940s...
Are these Not-Cs, too? I don't recall the Criminal Left Media fools soiling their pan'nies when these trash sal-yooted an obscure German politician from the middle 1930s...

Not-C salute..JPG

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