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Too many. But one thing I have done to help consolidate: paring down my 12 Gauge stash and replacing with 20 Gauge. ( The new replacement theory). There's really no need to use 12 G. over 20 G. for self defense. And I'm not a Goose hunter. A little bit of upland birds now and then, so 20 G. is perfect for my aging arms and eyes. I started the turnover before Corona, so I'm in good shape.
Just wondering. How many different calibers do you own? I try to keep mine limited to 9mm, 5.56, 12 gauge, 22LR and 7.62x39. Would you rather stick to a small handful of calibers or is your collection all over the place with different calibers ?
223 308 9mm 12 Guage 22lr and 762x39 most common calibers and can always use any of them got practical reasons
New guy here, so I'm required to post a minimum of 10 times in order to remove account restrictions. I have pretty much every caliber between .22LR/Short/Long/Magnum through 50BMG. I don't necessarily have ALL of the firearms for each caliber, but I'm a firm believer in being prepared to trade/barter with those that do when the time comes, if you know what I mean ;)
Just wondering. How many different calibers do you own? I try to keep mine limited to 9mm, 5.56, 12 gauge, 22LR and 7.62x39. Would you rather stick to a small handful of calibers or is your collection all over the place with different calibers ?
I like to keep it pretty simple. At least I feel like it is:
.22 LR
30 Carbine
45 Auto

Would love to trade for other caliber pew-pews. Check out my listing for a Shield Plus PC :)
Just wondering. How many different calibers do you own? I try to keep mine limited to 9mm, 5.56, 12 gauge, 22LR and 7.62x39. Would you rather stick to a small handful of calibers or is your collection all over the place with different calibers ?
22lr, 357 mag, 45 lc, 9mm, 40 cal, 45 acp, 460 rowland, 12 gauge, 5.56x45, 300 blackout.
.22LR, .22Mag, .380ACP, .38SP, .357Magnum, .44special & .44Mag, .45Long Colt, 9mm Parabellum,.357 Sig, .40S&W, .45 ACP & .45Super,.223/5.56, 7mm-08, .308/7.62x51, .30-06 & .30-06Ackley Improved, 7mm Rem Mag, & .300Win Mag, 12ga

The scary part is I reload for all of them too! (Except for rimfire of course;)

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