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Remington V-Tac13: Guaranteed to make an uninvited guest leave your house in a hurry. NOT an NFA-class firearm...

remington vac-13.JPG
I wasn't a fan of the birdshead grip.
Would have still been a legal weapon had you replaced the OEM grip with a "protruding pistol grip." But be advised that the "protruding pistol grip" has the power to take control of an otherwise law-abiding man's mind and cause him to commit heinous crimes. It's true, so don't scoff. Joy Behar said so-- so you can take it to the bank...
I just saw 4 boxes of these in bass pro shops and everything else was literally gone. Would this be a decent home defence option? I live in an upstairs apartment and have to worry about over penetration and the maximum range I would engage at in my apartment would be about 10 feet or less. I bought a box just because they had it. Ammo is ammo right now. Anyways, I'm not trying to start anything here. Just an honest question and looking for an honest opinion. (Edit) Just realized I spelled defense wrong lol

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I think the best home defense is a shotgun. Universal sound and easier to hit the target
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