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As you know, the Goldwater Institute is representing plaintiffs AzCDL and AzCDL member Christopher King in a lawsuit against the Pima County board of supervisors over county ordinance 2024-002 which imposes a $1,000 fine for failure to report a lost or stolen firearm to law enforcement within 48 hours. The ordinance violates provisions of ARS § 13-3108 which prohibit the state's political subdivisions from imposing rules or regulations more restrictive than those specified in state law. In this case, the $1,000 fine exceeds the state penalty (since there isn't one!), violating ARS § 13-3108(D).

AzCDL worked hard to implement Arizona's firearms preemption laws to prevent a patchwork of disparate laws across the state, and now it is time to defend them against such blatant violations. The county claims the ordinance will reduce so-called "straw purchases" but all it really does is harass otherwise law-abiding firearms owners and may well turn some of them into unwitting criminals.

Click here to follow the case on the Goldwater Institute's case page.

Your support makes our work at the legislature and in the courts possible. If you are not a member of AzCDL please consider joining at the link below. If you are already a member and would like to further support our mission , you can make a donation on the AzCDL website
I have posted this on several local shooting forums and I find it really funny, I got several private messages asking me where this law is. Residents of Tucson, AZ, in Pima county didn't even know this was happening. I push them to join AZCDL because we were all warned early and knew about the suit when Pima county proceeded.

Another thing Arizona shooters don't know is that the City of Phoenix broke a state firearms law. Everybody in government knows about it and agrees the broke the law. It was turned over to our democrat Attorney General, and just like Hunter's laptop and Hillary's mobile phone, nobody is doing anything.

Get involved or lose our rights. Simple as that.
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I can somewhat understand how easy it is to put off things that require money.
Times are tough and we have to budget what we have which never seems enough to cover what we need let alone what we want.

Over the past few months this forum has welcomed several new members (along with one suspected Troll) from New Mexico.
With them come tales of how things are not very firearms friendly in the "land of enchantment".

Here in the "Sunshine State" things are better but there is a fair amount of apathy. When the pot starts to boil, it is often too late so to speak.

I joined the Arizona Consumer Defense League today as a way to mitigate erosion of our firearms rights in Arizona.
This group works tirelessly and with little recognition of their efforts.

Thanks go to @ynotAZ for calling this to our attention. It may not seem like it but some of us are listening.
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