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I read the suggested story, then kept-on and read the one about Melissa Milano. My God, but is that woman a nutcase! Just today I had a friend ask me where a friend of hers could purchase a handgun in these dark times. I told her that nothing was to be had because when something like coronavirus or a huge natural disaster happens, people seek immediate safety for themselves in a wheppin at hand versus the police on the phone. The liberal fools in the Milano story are learning this at a very bad time to do so...
"I read the suggested story, then kept-on and read the one about Melissa Milano "

I know you enjoy reading, on the other hand, I pay scant attention to actor's private life and thoughts. They get paid for portraying a character and repeating someone elses words, which many do well! I don't think they are grounded in everyday reality. Which most likely give rise to their dumb comments,
I know you enjoy reading, on the other hand, I pay scant attention to actors' private lives and thoughts.
I just read the Milano story because the bravo-itch is such an outrageous, hippy-dippy, brain-dead, holier-than-thou moron. Says that guns during this time are not what an adult should have to protect himself and his family. Well, Melissa... when the cops are at a low strength and criminals see an opportunity because of it... why would a responsible adult not want something that can be held in the hand to level the playing field? The dimbulb just cannot see past the bullschumer lies she has told to and taught to herself. That's the genuine definition of stupid, if you were to ask me...
glad to see you coming out of your shell LOL

It's Alyssa Milano... not "Melissa"... LOL

BTW- like all "moral crusaders", she's a hypocrite and stated that owns two guns in her household for protection

The only thing she's (maybe) good for is jumping on a trampoline while wearing a bikini... I'd buy that for a dollar!
I read the suggested story, then kept-on and read the one about Melissa Milano. My God, but is that woman a nutcase! Just today I had a friend ask me where a friend of hers could purchase a handgun in these dark times. I told her that nothing was to be had because when something like coronavirus or a huge natural disaster happens, people seek immediate safety for themselves in a wheppin at hand versus the police on the phone. The liberal fools in the Milano story are learning this at a very bad time to do so...
Wheppin? Oh, my. Weapon.
Wheppin? Oh, my. Weapon.
My brother and I have a few words we use to camouflage firearms terms in emails, so as to not raise any suspicions or alarm in the "word-sniffers" that are often implemented in corporate email accounts. A "trinker gourd" is a trigger guard. A "hammgourd" is a handguard. A "grap" is a grip. An "ARGH" is an AR-type rifle. A "bufustrozk" is a buttstock. A "gub" is a gun. We have a bunch more, but you get the idea. We can send emails about AR rifles in and out of his company's email, and no one gets excited because the words we use trip no triggers.
Sounds like another undercover Microsoft worker.
Hardly. My brother is a Civil Engineer of thirty years experience, and I am a trucker of twenty-six years experience. Both of us use Microsoft products. I can't speak for my brother, but I am not one whom believes Bill Gates is out to rule the world from Redmond or from wherever M'soft is headquartered. Gates' purchasing of IBM-DOS that was the foundation of Windows was a miracle. If he hadn't bought it for a lousy $600, the world would still be using mainframes and things like email and all the application software programs we have today would not exist. Digital technology has found its way into medicine. Imagine medicine in 2020 without programs that can run a million simulated tests on a new drug in five minutes. People who hate Bill Gates and Microsoft, to me, are tetched in the head.
I get the same bullschumer impatience when I drive down Kalifonia roads in my 18-wheeler, doing about 58 mph. The four-wheelers are in such a massive hurry that they'll violate every letter of the Motor Vehicle Code in the State, trying to get past me and to then wait longer at the next stoplight. If the idiots would elect State-level lawmakers who would bring the Granola State into the 21st Century and deep-six the 55mph speed limit for trucks, there would be fewer head-on collisions and subsequent deaths as a result of those head-on collisions. I frequently drive north on US 395 from around Victorville all the way to the border at Topaz Lake. Many, many miles of the road is two lanes. I see such idiocy behind the wheel along the portions that are two-lane; I'm waiting to see a really good head-on collision in which there will be multiple fatalities. I know it's coming. I expect I'll be part of it or will see it actually occur.
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