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Bloomberg is the fat cat tyrant who thinks Americans are not smart enough to determine how much soda they can drink. He came out after the TX church shooting and said the HEROES who stopped the murderer should not have been armed. His insanity is beyond dangerous.
The add features a Mom who claims her son was a victim of "Gun Violence". What she doesn't say is her son was a Thug, Who with his friends went after someone who shot back! The shooter was aquitted. It was a Self Defense case!
Trouble with Bloomberg is, the top players will be removed from the ticket putting at the top of the heep come November!
The party is crumbling on its self, and the people are seeing the players for what they actually are, and that puts mike at the top of the pile for Trump to take down! Trouble with Mike is his willingness to spend obseen amounts of cash to buy votes! Time will tell, but he is dangerous none the less!
I expect to see pedo Joe gone in the next few months, ether the Ukrainian scandal or his own big mouth will finish him! Burney will flame out much the same as Warren, they are way to far left for anyone to accept, so that leaves Mike!
I heard on the TV recently that Bloomberg is self funding his campaign. Which meant that the DNC's rules did not allow him on the stage for the debates. They are changing the rules so he can debate in Las Vegas when that one happens. All systems normal, win at any cost.
He not only wants to take your guns he also wants to give "latinos " $15 an hour and allow mass migration.
Of course it will be with your money not his.
He is trying to buy the election anyway he can.
If the party of the left wins the next election the US will never be the same.
The Constitution means nothing to them.

I heard on the TV recently that Bloomberg is self funding his campaign. Which meant that the DNC's rules did not allow him on the stage for the debates. They are changing the rules so he can debate in Las Vegas when that one happens. All systems normal, win at any cost.
He made a MASSIVE donation to the DNC so he BOUGHT his way to the debate stage just like Steyer did.

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